OUR PARTNERSHIP WITH People’s Postcode Lottery
Since 2016, Street League has received over £6 million in funds raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and awarded through Postcode Active Trust to transform the lives of thousands of young people facing structural and personal barriers to a happy, healthy adulthood. The support of players has enabled Street League to do more for young people living in deprived communities across England and Scotland, including:
-Delivering employability programmes in new areas to reach more young people
-Ensuring we reach the young people who need us most, including those living in areas of high deprivation and those facing significant barriers to fulfilling their potential
-Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic with online programmes and support for young people when the world was closing down around them
-Diversifying our programmes to meet young people’s changing needs, including introducing schools programmes to prevent future unemployment
-Improving how young people are involved in shaping our programmes, including the establishment of our Youth Board
The vital support we receive from players means we can change more young people’s lives in postcodes across England and Scotland for the better and give hope for a brighter future.
“There are so many charities that players of People’s Postcode Lottery support and Street League is a great one. It’s getting young people outside, supporting them to communicate and building their confidence.” – Danyl Johnson, People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador
To find out more about the charities and good causes supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, visit https://www.postcodelottery.co.uk/good-causes