Solicitor of Change: Ryan McCuaig, Street League's New Ambassador

UK youth employability charity Street League proudly introduces its newest ambassador, Ryan McCuaig – a Scottish solicitor, activist, and motivational speaker from Glasgow. Born and raised in Easterhouse, one of the UK’s most deprived areas, Ryan’s journey to becoming a lawyer is a testament to his resilience and showcases the impact of strong mentors.


Ryan's early life was challenging. Losing a parent to addiction at a young age, experiencing state intervention and other poverty-related issues led to him leaving school at sixteen without any Highers. Yet with some positive guidance, he overcame significant personal, financial and social barriers to graduate from the University of Strathclyde with a first-class law degree, followed by a post-graduate diploma at the University of Glasgow. Ryan commenced his legal career as a solicitor at a large commercial law firm in 2019 and then, in 2023, became an Associate at the International law firm CMS.


By choosing a career in law, Ryan has entered a profession historically lacking in socio-economic diversity. He credits a series of positive relationships for helping him overcome the adversity he experienced and to develop the tools he needed to graduate in the top grading of his class in law school. Alongside his legal career, Ryan has built a successful business speaking at events, conferences, leadership days and in the media about his journey; and on themes such as fostering positive relationships, mindset, culture and lived experience.


As Street League's ambassador, Ryan brings his unique perspective and passion for social issues such as poverty, education, widening access and increasing socio-economic diversity in the professions, as well as his previous charity experience as the Chair of Who Cares? Scotland. By helping to guide and support the charity from a lens of lived experience, Ryan hopes to reach even more young people facing adversity and in need of a chance.


Our Mission at Street League is to help young people into work and in welcoming Ryan as an ambassador, the charity is proud to partner with an individual whose journey embodies resilience and determination, and which moves from hardship to success and is ultimately underpinned by the transformative power of relationships. 


Ryan said: “I am delighted to become an ambassador for Street League. Sport, fitness and positive relationships have been vital aspects in what I have managed to achieve in my career and life so far; so it seemed like a natural fit when I was asked to speak at a recent leadership event held by the charity. When I met Dougie and the rest of the leadership team, it was clear we had a real alignment on values, so I was honoured to be asked to be an ambassador.”


Dougie Stevenson, CEO of Street League, said: “I am thrilled to welcome Ryan as Street League's ambassador. His journey is truly inspiring. Ryan's commitment to fostering positive relationships, addressing societal issues, and promoting social mobility aligns perfectly with Street League's mission. We believe his unique perspective, lived experience, and passion will make a significant impact in empowering our staff and young people.”


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